Becoming an Ordinary Mystic

Becoming an Ordinary Mystic: Spirituality for the Rest of Us.

Check with John to set-up a meeting time/place (in person or Zoom) for your group of about 5 participants. (set-up a 5 week/session schedule)     720.295.5612

This is our five week Prayer, Presentation, and Dialogue on Albert Haase OFM’s Becoming an Ordinary Mystic: Spirituality for the Rest of Us.

Fr. Albert ("Al-bear") Haase OFM    Ordained a Franciscan priest in 1983, Albert Haase, OFM, is a popular preacher, teacher, spiritual director and guest on talk radio shows. A former missionary to mainland China for over eleven years, he is the award-winning author of eleven books on popular spirituality and the presenter on five best-selling DVDs. He is currently chaplain at Cedarbrake Catholic Retreat Center, Temple TX. Visit his website:

Watch Fr. Albert's self-introduction with this link

The Examen

Session OneIntroduction; 1-Right Here, Right Now; Mindfulness Breeds Mysticism; 2- What's Missing:Self-Awareness Sabotages Sin

Session Two: 3-Jesus the Electrician:The Practical Mysticism of the Sermon on the Mount; 4-Cardiac Spirituality:The Fruit of Mysticism ; 5-Insides Out: The Invitation to Transparency

Session Three: 6-A Finicky God: Here Today, Gone Tomorrow; 7-Groping in the Dark:Walking by Faith , Not  Sight; 8-Challenging the Ego: Forgiving God, Myself, and Others

Session Four: 9-Inspired by Jesus:Rediscovering God; 10-Life, Words, Silence, and Action: The Suprise of Mystical Prayer; 11-Ears to the Ground: Listening to God.

Session Five: 12- Practical Practices: Responding to God; 13-Staying Awake: Mindful Living ; Conclusion



Facilitator: John Lay

Not our "Sage on the stage" but our "Guide on the Side."

John has taught at Regis University for over 40 years in Regis' degree completion programs. He will work to guide us through Fr. Albert Haasse's book and encourage us to share our insights, thoughts and feelings about "Spirituality for the rest of us."