Gospel Sharing 2017

1st Sunday of AdventDear !subscriber_name,
Jesus asks us to prepare for His coming. He asks us to spread the Gospel.
Again this year (the Church Year begins today, Sunday: the First Sunday of Advent), we welcome you and encouraged to participate in a Gospel Sharing group on The Emmaus Institute Platform. Please bring your experience, your faith, your gifts to your group's growth in Christ.
This is a FREE service of The Emmaus Institute, thanks to the generosity of our volunteers and benefactors.
In just a few moments a week we read the Gospel for the upcoming Sunday and write a sentence or two about our thoughts and/or feelings about that Good News. This helps us grow in our relationship with one another and with The Lord. Members of your group will love to read what you have to share and will welcome your comments on their posts. Read more about Gospel sharing groups [here].
Many wonderful commentaries and reflections on the Sunday readings may be found in print and/or on the Internet. Our mission is the challenge to take another step and help people share their thoughts and feelings with one another in groups of their choosing online (and then maybe expand on that when they assemble in person).
Will you begin your Gospel sharing group today?

[Here] you can view a brief video about Gospel sharing groups and how to create your free account.

After you set-up your account let us know and we'll set-up your free group: john.lay@emmausinstitute.org

Thank you for all you do in response for God's love for you,


Pass this on to others who may grow in their faith with the help of this tool:

     A husband and wife who wish to grow in their faith together.

     A busy family who may be looking for way to conveniently share their faith.

     Families who are separated by distance because of work, education, or other service.

     An intentional small Christian community who may not be able to meet as often as they might like.

     Friends who are separated by distance because of work, education, or other service.

     A few teenagers who might explore the Scriptures with friends.
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